Renewable energy, the commitment of Vila
We started working with Aura Energía, an electric company based on renewable energy sources
This year we have renewed our ISO, and one of the objectives set is to be more sustainable and that our activity has a lower impact on the environment. We started by betting on renewable energy in our electricity consumption.
In this line we have changed the electric company with which we worked for Aura Energía. It has quality certifications and environmental management, specifically ISO 9001: 2008 and 14001: 2014, which guarantee that all internal procedures are audited by external entities.
They promote the development of green energy, therefore, they only sell 100% renewable energy.
Consumption based on renewable energies
Many of the electric companies continue to use energy sources from fossil fuels, but the companies of light with renewable energy are the future. This is the case of the electric trader Aura Energía, which only offers electricity tariffs from 100% renewable sources.
It is a consumption based on clean energy sources, which produce a very low or no impact on the environment. They are found on the planet in an unlimited amount or with a great capacity for regeneration, so they will not become extinct over time.
The main advantage is that they do not emit greenhouse gases, so they contribute to curb global warming.
In addition, they have social and economic factors that are beneficial for the societies that develop them: they favor innovation and technological development, reduce the dependence of countries without reserves of fossil fuels (oil or gas) and stimulate the creation of jobs.
What renewable energies exist
Throughout the history of civilization, the most commonly used energies have been non-renewable energies. What should make us reflect, since there are currently energy alternatives that allow us to continue having light but without mortgaging our future.
You can talk about electricity from a single source of energy or a mix of them. The renewable energies that exist today are:
- Geothermal energy: it is obtained from the natural heat of the interior of the earth.
- Solar energy: is the use of electromagnetic radiation from the sun. It is one of the most abundant, economical and easy to place.
- Wind energy: it is obtained as a result of the kinetic energy generated by the air currents.
- Tidal energy: from the tides using an alternator.
- Biomass: uses organic matter as an energy source. It also helps us keep forests clean and prevent fires.
Renewable energy used in Spain
The most efficient renewable energy in Spain is wind, followed by hydraulics and solar energy. With 18.20%, 7% and 5.20% of the production respectively.
In 2017, 33.7% of energy production came from renewable energy sources. However, it is not good news at all, since 2016 was 40.80%.
It is clear that we are far from being a sustainable country based on clean energy, that is why we join a company that allows us to do our bit to get it.
The origin of energy is important, but also responsible consumption. Here are some tips to reduce electricity consumption.