Join the game Vila’s killer
Fresh news!
New activity… Vila’s Killer game “el Asesino de la Vila”
Are you in?
It consists of entering jocassassassiapp.cat/partida through your browser (you can do it from your cell phone itself) and fill in your details to sign up for the game. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
You have until 9th of October to sign up. On the 10th of October the game will start and no one else will be able to sign up.
When the game starts, you will become a killer and a victim at the same time. We will tell you who you have to eliminate and how to do it… but spoiler: you can only kill your victim with a carrot, a paper airplane, or by making them laugh.
You can check the rules in the same game, it’s very easy!
Once you have eliminated your victim, you will have to mark “I have eliminated” and the victim will have to confirm. Then, a new one will appear… and so on until there is only 1 person left alive. The winner will win… well, we’ll let ya’ll know soon 😉
If you are eliminated… and now comes the good part… you will have to get creative writing your last words to your tombstone. The most creative one will also have a prize!
Remember, ON OCTOBER 10th WE BEGIN!