Is there Internet connection in Vila
One of the most asked questions is: Is there Internet connection in Vila?
Well, in this section we will try to explain the features, the will of constant improvement and the reality of this service.
There is internet in Vila. And it is free.
Historically, Vila Universitaria has had limited Internet … but we must specify that all Internet networks have limits and limitations.
We started with a wired connection with a single rosette located in the dining room (you can still find reminiscences of that “glorious era” in the living room), which was enough for all the members of the flat.
The years passed and increased dependence on the Internet. The first years of boom of the World Wide Web, we had the same WiFi as the UAB, with all the limitations that this entailed: any access to YouTube, neither download pages nor gaming. Connection was really limited from 18 pm as it was supposed nearly no students were on campus, everyone forgot some of them lived here.
The following investment we focused on the implementation of a new system of WiFi network. Installing more powerful antennas to improve reception of UAB’s WiFi, trying to reduce the limitations imposed by the usual connections in public university campuses.
Turning point
Finally, in 2013, after many negotiations with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, we managed to separate from its channel and having one’s own (partially), establishing policies and unique designs (like home) installing a public WiFi, limited geographically, exclusively in Vila. Never totally independent because, due to be part of a campus, there will always be limited access, high levels of protection, which prevent access to certain websites or limiting your access depending on your equipment (viruses, how old your technology is…) but with bigger independence.
The installation of this new technology infrastructure: more robust and intelligent was done by phases, due to the large size of the project. The course 2014-15 was finalized, resulting in a WiFi Internet connection to 30 Mbps 10.
Maintenance work and assistance are intensive and ongoing.
This project to improve network and Internet service in Vila, was designed as a project of global improvement, so not only technically but also service (policies for downloads, online games, traffic audio and video, YouTube or streaming at any time), this is increasing assistances to our resident, so we incorporated the IT Interne, now they are already in two.
Now you may ask …
… Why do you do all this investment instead of letting us hire Internet ourselves?
To this question there are two different and complementary responses:
You could only hire a telephone line connection, which may have many limitations as well, and overall you should contract a new telephone line, since the existing one belongs to Vila Universitaria, so it will not work for you. What makes it very difficult and expensive, but not impossible, you can. Find out with Internet companies!
In Vila there is no way to hire services or high-speed fiber technology, it does not exist the technology to do it. That is why, in phases, we are installing the strongest possible technology within the limitations mentioned above. Internet companies (Movistar, Ono, Vodafone, Orange, etc.) do not provide fiber service (FTTH = Fiber To The Home, known as Fiber to the home) to Vila.
WE could also add a new inconvenient: the structure of Vila Universitaria. The materials Vila Universitaria is made with does not allow a proper coverage to every single corner, this is why we guarantee the coverage in every single apartment, but we cannot guarantee it in very bedroom.
Remember you are living in a hall of residence, even if the feeling most of the time is like living in a shared apartment, which implies that we are all part of a community in which we work hand in hand.
What we do:
We are well aware that the Internet is a totally necessary service for the life of a student, so we have a multidisciplinary team and a number of mechanisms and tools that ensure and monitor the operation of this service:
– Equipment and software suppliers guaranteeing security levels, communications, networks, software and hardware.
– Mechanisms for own protection over the entire WiFi network; that avoids massive falls due to the proliferation of viruses or malicious content.
– Tools barriers and perimeter filters to mitigate external and internal attacks.
– Access control mechanisms and traffic management in real time.
They all work continuously and intensively for the maintenance and improvement of the network.
What we ask you to do:
To be conscious of the following:
– The more number of users there are, the discharge flow slows down, especially, as you know at peak hours (18-00 hours).
– The technology that you have in your devices (mobile, tablet, computer, console …) also affects connectivity.
– Related to the previous point, the age of its equipment, also influences.
– And last but not least, the state in which your equipment (virus, number of apps, etc) is found. We are a community in many ways and the network as it is public, open but geographically limited, means that the virus you have in your devices, may infect the others. Keep your devices safe.
What can we do together?
We can help you with this last part. You can come to offices and ask the IT program team to come and check your devices. Moreover, the first half of September IT Interns will be available for you to take a look and inform you of the procedures to be followed and to give you some tips to have the best experience with our WiFi.