Information about Covid19
Dear resident,
In Vila Universitaria we have defined some protocols of hygienization and control to watch over the fulfillment of the measures of prevention and safety established by the sanitary authorities and to offer you a healthy and safe environment. As the measures can be modified according to the evolution of the epidemiological situation, the protocols are constantly reviewed, and we will update them when necessary.
Aware that this effort also needs your collaboration, we ask you to take into account the following aspects throughout this academic year:
– Keep yourself informed of the news that we may publish on social media and email.
– Comply with the “Conditions of access and residence of the houses of Vila Universitaria” included in an annex in the rental contract you have signed and which refer to the need that
– to inform us immediately of the appearance of symptoms compatible with the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus,
– respect at all times the preventive measures that we have established regarding the use: of elevators, common rooms and outdoor spaces and
– observe at all times the instructions of the health authorities to reduce the chances of contagion: physical distance, use of a mask, respiratory hygiene and frequent hand washing.
– Keep the house clean and ventilated.
– Limit the visits of other residents to the apartment and in case you decide to receive them always respect the limits established by the health authorities for social gatherings. To invite friends over, it is necessary to have the approval of the rest of your flatmates.
– Avoid the presence of non-resident guests in the apartment and, if you decide to receive them, respect at all times the measures established by the health authorities. To invite friends over, it is necessary to have the approval of the rest of your flatmates.
Remember that we are at your disposal to answer any questions or concerns you have (by email vila@vilauniversitaria.com, or by phone 93 581 70 04 Monday to Friday from 8 to 20 h; for emergencies outside these hours, phone 93 581 73 13).