We renew the modules
Change of bathrooms and windows in the N-P-R-S-T-V and crystallization of floors and paint in all of them and H builind
In Vila Universitaria, aware of the characteristics and the hyper utilization of our facilities, every summer we dedicate to make intensive reforms of the architecture in zones or concrete elements.
Works til now
Since 2007 we have made internal upgrades, such as changing furniture and renovating bathrooms in blocks A through K and L-M-Y modules.
We have been adding exterior urban elements that in the initial construction were not, like the sidewalks in the zones of the modules.
The structure of the buildings has been improved so that the passage of the years does not affect them as it has done until now. For this purpose the canopies (roofs of the corridors of the third plants of the big blocks) were installed, avoiding that the humidity acceded to the floors.
The pool is also an element of constant reform, even if you see it alike, is a clear example of changing everything so that everything is maintained.
This year works
Well, as you can imagine, this summer we could not stay still:
We entered the modules to reform them on two levels. On the one hand the modules N-P-R-S-T-V, where we change bathrooms, windows, paint and make crystallization of floors. On the other hand, the L-M-X-Y and builing H where, as already made the other modifications mentioned, we will only paint and crystallize the floors.
Closing our actions in the summer months has positive parts and negative parts. The positive sides are that the noise derived from the works does not bother, as the residents are not. We also accelerate the process, as operators have free and massive access to housing. The negative part, the time that we have is extremely short and that is why we need each of the days from June 30 to August 31.
What does it mean
This is why, in order to have the modules ready for September 1, this course your contract can not be extended in these apartments during the summer period. All them must be empty on June 30th, day that will begin the works of placement of fences that will isolate the area of modules limiting the passage to anyone outside the work.
This means that you cannot enter or leave from the same June 30 in the afternoon, so if you need to stay in Vila, even one night, you must make a transfer to a large apartment.
The contract extension period for the summer will begin on June 1. We will keep you informed.