Accommodation surrounding the Bellaterra Campus – UAB
Welcome to the International Booking Department for Accommodation outside of the UAB Campus!
Our objectives are giving you a personalized service to help you find a great accommodation, which adapts to your needs and preferences.
To accelerate the process, we need you to read carefully the information you will find bellow and also send us the details requested.
The cost of this service is 120 euros.
Steps to follow for booking your room:
- Consult our data base to see all our accommodation offers for student rooms and studios, photos, prices, exact location, public transports… and select an apartment. IMPORTANT! This web is ONLY a data base so you can see the apartments. You cannot reserve or make any payments through there.
- If the apartment you have chosen is available and you would like to reserve it, you will have to pay 120 euros for the service. There are two ways to do the payment:
Credit card. We need you to send us an email to the card digits and the expiring date.
Bank transfer:
In the matter of the email, insert name and surname of the student
Account holder: Vila Universitària, SL
Account: ES 19 2100 0424 3802 0012 1541
You must send the transfer proof to Once we’ve received the money, we will send you all the bank details of the owner with all the procedures, location…
3. From the moment you receive the owner’s details, you have 24 hours to pay the deposit and send us the bank receipt.
4. When the owner receives the money, your reservation will be confirmed. We will send you the confirmation email.
If you haven’t filled in the form online and you directly contact us via email, we will send you a form for you to resend us as soon as possible with all the details we demand. Also, you must add the following information:
The code of the room you selected.
The exact enter and exit dates. The minimum stay are 10 months.
Your accommodation budget.
Accepted Visa: YES or NO. If you have received it, send us the document.
Waiting list for the Vila Universitària: if you are on the waiting list you must send us an email copied to requesting the cancellation and the return of the 170 euros.
Which type of accommodation are you interested in? (in all the options the minimum stay is an academic year).
Apartment to share with students. You will have your own bedroom.
Apartment to share with the owner. You will have your own bedroom.
Apartment to share with students and owner. You will have your own bedroom.