Students coming from High School
- Academic results: average grade.
- Town of residence: students living further away from the UAB have preference.
- Economic reasons: it will be taken into account if the student has obtained a scholarship for the last course from High School.
- Family reasons: it will be taken into account if the student has brothers or sisters living in Vila.
Other student collectives
Other student collectives and application done on the first term: a draw in front of notary public will be done at the end of July to establish the allocation order.
Applications done on the second term
Allocation of places will be made according availability, according to the date of enquiry and payment, and mirroring, as far as possible, students’ preferences.
Distribution of the students among the apartments
The general criterion of Vila Universitària is to group students by gender. It is also possible to specify with whom the student wishes to share the apartment.