Quarantine: what to do at home
Although the situation is not easy, we now have the opportunity to listen to ourselves, to our bodies, and to live in the present.
We are very lucky that, even though we cannot go out, we have a thousand things to do (apart from watching Netflix).
I’m sure you have something in mind, and maybe even a list of things you want to do, but you never have time to.
Now is the time to do it! To learn how to play the abandoned guitar in the dining room corner, to cook that recipe, to draw, to dance, to stretch, to do yoga, to meditate, to finish your projects/thesis, or to read the book you have had for months on your bedside table.
But if you have no idea what to do during this quarantine, we have some ideas!
1 – Write again
Writing is magic, and many of us have stopped doing it because it’s easier for us to use the computer, right? So, why don’t we write again?
We really like the idea of the Morning Pages.
The Morning Pages are 3 handwritten pages that you write first thing in the morning, of everything that comes into your head. There’s no way to do it wrong:
It doesn’t matter if you write that you feel ridiculous, just write! It has been proven that if we do it every day, it reduces stress and anxiety, helps us to connect with ourselves, to organize and prioritize, and to be more creative.
Once written, don’t read them again: throw them away! And if you have had good ideas, write them down in a notebook.
It’s a good habit to start the day motivated!
2- Move
Spending the day watching shows sounds cool, but let’s be honest… if we also spend the day eating, it’s not a very good combination! We can’t go outside, but that’s no excuse: moving is necessary!
Since the isolation began, many centers, gyms, and apps are offering their services for free. You may have seen that many people are working out through Instagram Stories… And also, on YouTube there are thousands of workouts that you can practice at home (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=workout+from+home)
. You have no excuse!
3- Eat well
Be aware of what you eat and learn healthy recipes. It has been proven that what we eat directly affects us on how we feel. If, on top of not being able to leave the house, we spend the day eating cookies, sweets and junk food in general, it is normal that we feel sad and without energy.
Maybe now is the time to start taking realfooding seriously…
Take care of yourself!
4- Keep learning
There are many platforms like Google Actívate, Skill Share, Domestika, Open Classrooms, Coursera… that offer free online courses or at very low prices. If you’re a bookworm and can’t stop learning, you can take advantage of this situation and to do courses!
5- You are not alone
We know many of you are alone in the apartment, but just because you feel alone doesn’t mean you are. Don’t forget your friends and family, keep in touch with each other! Have a drink, coffee or even dinner with your group of friends or family.
6- Organise your apartment
Take your inner Marie Kondo for a walk, and organize your home!
Starting with the closet… Did you know we just wear 30% of the clothes we have? Crazy, isn’t it? I’m sure there are clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time, and that you can give to charity (when the quarantine is over), or that you can recycle because they’re too old…
You can organise your closet, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom (use up all those creams you never use), clean the apartment, open the windows and let some air in!
7- Finish that show/book you left halfway through
Surely there are a thousand TV shows, movies or books that you haven’t finished because of the overwhelming lifestyle we have. Now is the time!
There are also very interesting documentaries on Netflix, Prime Video or HBO.
8- Take up a hobby
Now you can’t really say “I don’t have time”. So, start to dance, to paint, to draw, to learn how to play the guitar…
9- Don’t do anything
Just let it be. It’s okay to do nothing, to just observe your surroundings, to breathe deeply, to feel… But if you are too hyper, you can also put on music and relax, or listen to a podcast!
There are really a lot of things to do… The only thing we can’t find on the Internet is patience… so we’ll have to learn it by ourselves!
We can do this!
#IStayHome #JoEmQuedoAVila