Festa del Gat, Vila’s big party
Festa del Gat 2019 is already here!
Thursday the 23rd of May, save the date! Are you ready? Cause we are!
Check the program out and come to give your all!
1.30 – 3.30 pm: Fideuada (tradition dish) at El Cau. Keep in mind you have to buy your ticket before the 20th of May. It costs 5,50 € and includes the fideua + water or beer. You can buy your ticket in situ (if there’re tickets left), but the price will be 6,50 €.
2 – 6 pm: Second-hand charity market by FAS (Fundació Autònoma Solidària), in front of El Cau. Every single euro will be given to the NGO Yoga and Sports for Refugees.
The FAS will also be talking about sex, drugs, health, and LGTBI+.
If you feel like having your nails or hair done, approach the C&C Casanova Academy’s stall!
4 – 5 pm: come to the football field to the Zumba masterclass by SAF (UAB’s gym). It’s time to start dancing!
5 – 7.30 pm: You will have a sport gymkhana and a Pool Party going on for a few hours…
7.30 – 8 pm: once the gymkhana and the Pool Party are over, join our Batucada by TokemxTu (check’em out on YouTube!). Let’s get the party started!
8 – 11.30 pm: stick your ass to the Frankfurt area, because it will be a non-stop of concerts, performances, and Dj’s!
You can buy cheap drinks at Frankfurt, and non-alcoholic cocktails (this is new!).
Last, but not least… the Punt Lila or “Violet Stand”.
Many employees from Vila and some block representatives will be wearing a purple shirt. That means that if there’s a sexual harassment case, they will help and give support.
And that’s it… the countdown starts… NOW!