Energy saving contest 2021
The energy saving contest is here!
It will start on Monday 8th February and finish on Friday 30th April. You have until January 31st to sign up.
Keep in mind that if you live in Vila 2, have an all-inclusive contract (expenses are included in your rent), or your stay in Vila is shorter than 10 months, you won’t be able to participate.
How can you sign up?
Send an e-mail to comunicacio@vilauniversitaria.com or a DM to @vila_universitaria with the following information:
Number of the flat + how many people are in the flat + full name of 1 member of the flat + e-mail
F208 – 5 people apartment + Andrew Martins + andrewmartins@gmail.com
Once you have signed up, if you want to enter the draw for a dinner at Frankfurt, upload an apartment-selfie to stories, tag us @vila_universitaria and use the hashtag #VilaConsumResponsable
Each type of apartment (5 people, 4, 3, 2, and studios) will have 1st and 2nd prizes (that’s a looot of prizes), which are:
1st prize: free electricity bills for February, March and April.
2nd prize: 50% discount on your electricity bills for February, March and April (you will only pay half of the electricity you consume).
If you win, the amount of money you’ve spent on electricity bill we will transfer to your bank account in June.
And what do you have to do? Not much… just try to use your electricity as little as possible!
You have until January 31st to sign up!