Activities of december
This month we have plenty of activities for you to enjoy the last days of the year!
Karaoke: every Monday (except the 24th and 31st) it’s karaoke night! It’ll take place at Frankfurt at 22h. The 17th, there’ll be a Christmas Karaoke.
Xmas decoration contest: you have from the 3rd to the 9th of December to sign up for the contest on Whiskers’ Instagram. There’ll be two categories:
- Christmas decoration
- Anti-Christmas decoration
On Monday the 17th of December, the jury will see all the apartments and the winner will be announced during the Grand Xmas Dinner on the 19th of December. The price is a food basket!
GOT: Tuesday the 4th of December.
Cinema: Christmas edition: On Tuesday the 11th and 18th we’ll watch Christmas movies and eat popcorn at Sala C (C room).
VilArt: the last VilArt of the year. Dinner + live music… is there a better way to end your day?
Grand Xmas Dinner: you have time from the 10th to the 16th of December to sign up for the dinner. It’ll take place at Cau the 19th of December. Dress code: look stunning!
In order to sign up, you’ll have to go to Cau and pay 10€.
During the dinner, we’ll do “Las Campanadas”, a Spanish tradition that we do for New Year’s Eve, announce the winners of the Decoration Contests, and eat loooots of food!
Xmas Party: Frankfurt will turn into a dance floor so we can celebrate that Christmas is already here! Don’t feel like going out? Then stay at Frankfurt! Wanting to go crazy in the city? Then come to Frankfurt first to warm up your fiesta!
La Cursa de la UAB: Haven’t enrolled yet? What are you waiting for? It’s for a good cause! http://www.cursauab.cat/
Food donation: from the 3rd to the 20th of December you can come to the reception or to Frankfurt to give non-opened packages and long life food (milk, rice, pasta, canned food). We’ll take it to Cerdanyola’s Food Bank.