Covid19: UAB suspends all on-site activities
According to Royal Decree 463/2020 passed by the Spanish Government, in which the state of alert is declared towards the management of the health crisis created by COVID – 19, the UAB has decided to reduce all on-site activity to the minimum level necessary to assure the safety of its personnel and facilities.
Given this emergency situation, and in order to preserve the safety of all persons, we recommend avoiding all travels which are not strictly necessary. All presence on campus must be reduced to the minimum, under the guarantee that all necessary procedures will be enacted for the maintenance of all essential services and to make sure that all necessary tasks can be performed by the university staff.
Services not defined as essential will not require the presence of staff on campus. The rest of the services will remain operational, as far as possible, on a remote, online basis.
All persons who consider it unavoidable to access university facilities must contact the center administration responsible for the building in question, to support the activity of the security services. All persons who are obliged to come to the campus will strictly follow the safety measures established by the health services and authorities.
All measures taken and information related to this health crisis is available at www.uab.cat/coronavirus.
This set of measures aims at reinforcing the suspension of on-site academic activity, and other indications established in accordance with the instructions issued by the Catalan Government. Given the changing situation we are in, these measures and instructions may be revised and updated. A permanent channel of communication has been set up at the following university website: www.uab.cat/coronavirus and the institutional e-mail: info.coronavirus@uab.cat.