Activities, Whiskers and Building Dinners
There are three courses that we do from September a non-stop activities period. We know it is when it is most needed and our team of block representative and interns are fully dedicated.
We have already had the banquet of Hogwarts, the parties of the Autonomous Communities of: Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Valencia, the Erasmus and the Welcome Party, although due to the rain it was a bit decaffeinated… But there is still MUCH MORE!
There are still hazing + Holi Festival, Olympic Games and a very special closing party !! Thanks to the collaboration of Espacio Carioca, we will have an orchestra, an exhibition and an initial class of Samba Gafiera. A show that will not leave you indifferent!
Then, if you are interested in taking classes with them, you will be able to inform about the advantages you will have to be a Vilatano / a.
In addition, on that day, if you have found the 3 residents with whom to play the Mural de Mariscal with your keys, hang the photo in networks labeling us and you will have a prize!
Beyond these specific events, we continue with the “Soup with your neighbor” on Tuesdays, the “Meet Facu colleagues” on Wednesdays and the CCAA parties on Fridays (Euskal Herria and Aragón respectively ).
Aquest any, per estar més a prop, creem un perfil de Facebook i de Instagram gestionat pels delegats/des i becaris/es, que es dedica coordinar totes les activitats. Ja hauràs sentit parlar d’ells, són els Whiskers, un renovat equip de dinamització que comença aquest nou curs amb les piles ben carregades!
A través d’ells et podràs apuntar a les activitats que requereixen de inscripció (de les que queden: Novatades i Jocs Olímpics), així com estar al dia de tot allò que passa, gràcies a les stories de Instagram i els esdeveniments de Facebook.
Building apartments
And to close, remember! With October the building dinners arrive.
Dinner from blocks A to D will take place on October 4. From building E to H on 11th and, last but not least, the dinners of block K and modules (from L to Y) on October 18. Later we will inform you about the place, time and format.
Soccer League
If you like soccer and want to participate in our league, read all the information at the following link. If you want to join, find your team an enroll before October 11th, it starts on the week of October 16th.