Vila Universitària UAB

Vila’s Football League – 2018-2019

Futbol field Vila Universitària



Here we have Vila’s Futbol League 2018-2019 by Fundació Valldor7. Are you in?

Come to the office to sign up for the League and pay! You have until Thursday the 18th of October at 13h.



Vila’s residents: 600€ (minimum 6 students need to be from Vila to apply this price)

Non-residents: 800€ (other collectives)

The price includes 9 T-shirts and one for the goalkeeper, and the ball.

The League will start on Monday the 22h of October and finish the 16th of May. The matches will take place at the football field on Monday (20h, 21h, and 22h) and Thursday (20h and 21h).



The price will be given to the winners during the Festa del Gat (Vila’s Big Party) the third Thursday of May 2019. The price includes accommodation and meals, for 12 players, during the Joma’s National Championship of Football 7 Club which will take place in Salou.

There’ll be an information meeting for the captains of the teams on Thursday the 18th of October at 19h at the Sala C (C room, bloc C ground floor) and we’ll explain everything in detail.

If you are really impatient (and know some Spanish) you can check out their website:


You can also join the Facebook group Lliga de Futbol Vila – Valldor7 2018-2019 to keep up with all the information.