Vila Universitària UAB


Halloween 2019

From the 28th to the 30th of October… get ready, cause we’ll scare the crap out of you… ☠



#ShitYourselfNight: from 8 pm to 12 am at Sala C

We’ll screen the most terrifying videos… Do not come if you’re a sensitive person.

More info in @whiskers_vilauab



Slender Man is coming for you…🕴️

Have you heard about Slender Man? Unfortunately, we have…

A few months ago, there was a rumor about a creepy guy wandering around Campus. All those who saw him described him as an extremely tall and slim guy wearing a suit… with no face. It all came down to a rumor though…

But weeks ago, we started to receive emails and calls from students living in Vila who were very disturbed. A disturbingly tall man with a suit has been seen around the woods, here in Vila. We took it as a joke, but then some users send us videos and photos, and we can’t pretend it’s not happening.


We have doubled the security reinforcements, but we haven’t seen him yet. That’s why we need your help!

We need to capture him before something happens… Are you in?


YOU NEED TO SIGN IN FOR THE ACTIVITY: Sign up (solo or in a group) on @whiskers_vilauab, so we organise the groups. The activity consists of a tour around Vila 2, and the groups will be of a maximum of 10 people, so we can control the group. If you don’t sign up and decide to show up last minute, you might not be able to participate.

How to sign in?

Send a message to @whiskers_vilauab:



Once you’ve signed in, we’ll message you at what time you need to come. Heads up! You need to be on time or you’ll lose your turn. The activity will take place between 6.30 pm to 9 pm.

The meeting point will be in Vila 2, the white building in front of the reception. In there,  you’ll find our staff with an orange shiny vest. Respect their instructions at all times, the situation is very dangerous, and we have to take extreme precautions.

Come in comfy clothes… we might have to run.




La Castanyada + second-hand charity market: from 7 pm to 9.30 pm at Frankfurt

La Castanyada is a traditional celebration where we eat chestnuts with our family and friends. Wanna join us?

You can buy your chestnuts for 3€ (you have until the 25th), or last minute (if they still have chestnuts) for 3.50€. The ticket includes chestnuts and a Moscatell shot, and you can buy them at Frankfurt or Pupurrí.

And while eating… you can come to check our charity second-hand market, just in front of Frankfurt! All the benefits will go to our Gat Moix Project, to take care of the cats in Vila.