Vila Universitària UAB

How to leave your apartment on June 30th

End of semester 2019

If you want to know all the details of the departure of June 30, follow this link.

End of contract cleaning

You have the option to hire it at the reception desk or to clean the apartment yourself. The thing is that on June 30th at noon (if you do not have a summer contract in your apartment) it is empty and clean.

If you hire the service:

You can come to do it now. The cleaning will be done on June 25, 26, 27 and 28. You do not have to be there, but be sure to leave the apartment totally empty or the cleaning will not be done.

Double flat: € 82.29
Flat of 3 or 4: € 128.26
Flat of 5: € 154.88
Module: € 68.97

If you do not hire the cleaning:

If you do not want to pay for it (normal…), start doing a little cleaning… because it could be that there is more work than you think.
To guarantee that you leave it as it should be, come and ask for the maintenance staff to make a preventive departure check.

What are preventive exit checks?

A member of the maintenance team comes to your house, see how you have it and explain to you which things they make special emphasis at the “official” departure checks, so you can leave it perfect.

This is important because, if the flat is not left well, there are economic penalties that are charged or on your October bill, or deducted from your deposits. So come to the reception to ask for yours from the 21st to the 31st of May. The maintenance team will come to your place from the 3rd to the 7th of June to check everything’s fine!